RBCA is a partner of GMIS 2019. Welcome to Yekaterinburg!

Russian Business Council of Australia is proud to announce that RCBA becomes a global partner of #GMIS2019, the second Global Manufacturing & Industrialisation Summit which will be held in #Yekaterinburg 9-11th of July.

First announced by President Vladimir Putin in May 2018, #GMIS2019 will be held under the theme of ‘nature-inspired technologies’ – also known as biomimetic design and biomimicry – which is the science of mapping design challenges to the natural world to find innovative solutions.

The 2019 summit will continue to intensify the impact of innovation and Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies on the global manufacturing sector through the worldwide dissemination of knowledge, best practices and standards, while highlighting the role of manufacturing in enabling global prosperity through advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

To register: http://gmisummit.com/register-for-gmis/